MQ Hammer is an MQTT load testing and monitoring tool.
Stop! Hammer time!
MQ Hammer spins up a specified number of agents. Each agent has an MQTT connection to a broker and follows a scenario. A scenario dictates at which time an agent should subscribe or publish a message. Optionally, via a reference data set the correctness of received (retained) messages can be verified.
The primary output are metrics in the Prometheus exposition format. A summary of these metrics is output to the console as well.
MQ Hammer has been used to run 60k clients concurrently on commodity hardware.
One application of MQ Hammer is load testing. Another possible application is to run MQ Hammer continuously with a moderate amount of agents and use its metrics to assess the performance of the system it targets.
Binaries for Linux and macOS are available from the releases page.
A docker image is available on dockerhub, e.g.:
docker run -it kpnnl/mq-hammer version
For manual building, assuming a working Go environment and dep
make bootstrap test build
Will produce a binary in ./build/
In one terminal, subscribe with the mosquitto client:
mosquitto_sub -h -t '/mq-hammer/#' -v
In another terminal, run the example scenario with MQ Hammer:
./build/mqhammer --broker -n 1 --scenario example/quick-start/scenario.json
While MQ Hammer runs, the mosquitto client will repeatedly output the following lines as MQ Hammer publishes:
/mq-hammer/favourite/bird rollulus
/mq-hammer/birds/rollulus rouloul
Note that
is a public sandbox broker ran by the community. Do not abuse it by running more than a few agents; use your own broker for that. And note that since it is a public broker, when you run the example you might see other MQ Hammer users doing the same.
$ ./build/mqhammer --help
MQ Hammer is an MQTT load testing tool
MQ Hammer will create --num-agents goroutines, each subscribing, unsubscribing
and publish to topics at given timestamps according to the instructions in the
--scenario file.
It is possible to provide a reference data set that can be used for validation
of static (and retained) data. With it, MQ Hammer knows when after a
subscription the complete contents came in, how long it took to complete, if
messages are missing, etc.
By default, agents do not log to stderr to keep things clean a bit. For
diagnostics, it is possible through --agent-logs to output logs to a file, one
for each agent. Giving --agent-logs=- as argument will make the agents log to the
default logger.
All arguments can be specified through identically named environment variables
as well.
mqhammer [flags]
mqhammer [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of MQ Hammer
--agent-logs string Filename to output per-agent logs. Go-templated, e.g. 'agent-{{ .ClientID }}.log', or - to log to stderr
-b, --broker string Broker address, host[:port]; port defaults to 8883 for TLS or 1883 for plain text
--client-id string Client ID prefix; a UUID is appended to it per agent to guarantee uniqueness (default "mq-hammer:v0.1.0-dirty:")
--credentials string Filename with username,password and client id in CSV
--disable-mqtt-tls Disable TLS for MQTT, use plain tcp sockets to the MQTT broker
-h, --help help for mqhammer
-k, --insecure Don't validate TLS hostnames / cert chains
--nss-key-log string Filename to append TLS master secrets in NSS key log format to
-n, --num-agents int Number of agents to spin up (default 1)
-p, --password string Password for connecting
--prometheus string Export Prometheus metrics at this address (default ":8080")
-r, --ref string Filename with the expected reference data as JSON
-s, --scenario string Filename containing the scenario as JSON
--sleep duration Duration to wait between spinning up each agent (default 250ms)
-u, --username string Username for connecting
-v, --verbose Verbose: output paho mqtt's internal logging (crit, err and warn) to stderr
-w, --verboser Verboser: output paho mqtt's internal logging (crit, err, warn and debug) to stderr
Use "mqhammer [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Scenarios are performed in this way: each agent starts at a random position and loops infinitely through the Scenario.
For capturing packet dumps of TLS traffic, MQ Hammer can be instructed to output TLS master secrets in NSS Key log format to a file. This file can be used in for instance Wireshark to decipher the encrypted traffic.
First, publish the expected retained messages on the broker:
Next, run MQ Hammer, and point it at the reference set:
./build/mqhammer --broker -n 1 --scenario example/retained/scenario.json --ref example/retained/reference.json
With the reference set, MQ Hammer knows what messages to expect after a subscribe, and tests for their existence and correctness.
Metrics are available to be scraped by Prometheus. An example Grafana dashboard to get you started can be found here. The Dashboard looks like this:
The metrics are output to the console in a condensed form every two seconds and look like this:
ag=64 subs=288 (70.5/s) unsubs=9 (3.0/s) pubs=31 (8.0/s) 1.622kB inmsgs=0 (0.0/s) 0B unexp=0 dup=0 miss=0 badpl=0 err={c=0,p=0,s=0,u=0}
t_connect: 64 samples; 0.05% <= 46.917ms; 0.10% <= 47.481ms; 0.50% <= 54.133ms; 0.90% <= 70.384ms; 0.95% <= 75.062ms; 0.99% <= 82.67ms
t_firstMsg - t_subscribe: 0 samples;
t_lastMsg - t_firstMsg : 0 samples;
The first line means that there are 64 agents, 288 subscriptions and 9 unsubscriptions have been made in total. A number of 31 messages has been published weighing 1.622kB, and 0 messages have been received. Then for the reference data, there were 0 unexpected messages received, 0 duplicates, 0 missing messages, 0 messages had an incorrect payload. Then err
gives the mqtt errors encountered during connecting, publishing, subscribing and unsubscribing respectively.
The second line is a summary of the time it took to connect.
All data files, except for the credentials file, are in JSON. The credentials file is a CSV.
The reference set is a map from topic to base64 encoded payload. E.g.:
When this reference set it published under /tt/example
, subscribing to /tt/example/1/2/#
will result in a single message with key /tt/example/1/2/3/hello
and payload "cool".
A scenario is an array of Step
objects. Each Step
has at least t
, the relative time in seconds at which this Step is to be performed. Furthermore, it can contain a publish
, a subscribe
or a disconnect
, each optional. publish
is an array of messages to publish, objects with a topic and a base64 payload. subscribe
is an array of topics to be subscribed to in this step. Any topics previously subscribed to, that are not in this set, are implicitly unsubscribed from. disconnect
is a bool that makes the mqtt client disconnect. An example can be found here.
Credentials are in CSV format, with in the first column the username, and the second column the password and the third column the client id.
A rough outline of the dataflow is as follows.
A Scenario
dictate the topics and pace. An agent
subscribes / unsubscribes or publishes according to this. A MessageHandlerer
provides message handlers that deal with incoming messages. It is either a (non-validating) messageHandler
or a validatingHandler
. Those handlers produce events
like subscribe
or message
, which are collected by the EventFunnel
, a channeledFunnel
to be more concrete. In its Process()
loop it computes metrics on incoming events.
Beware of your OS' limits:
echo 16384 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
ulimit -n 16384