(Node.js, Discord.js, YT-DLP)
KPNC Technology: Virtuoso is a simple music bot for Discord. It utilizes the popular Discord.js and YT-DLP libraries to play YouTube audio in your Discord server. Starting your own instance of Virtuoso is easy and only requires a computer and a Discord account.
For installation on a Linux (Ubuntu based) servers...
Install necessary base dependencies:
- Run "sudo bash install.sh"
Duplicate or rename ".env.example" to ".env" and edit the following properties:
Finally, create the service files (see unit/readme for more information)...
Depending on installation/executed permissions, the YT-DLP may not have the correct permissions...
- You can use chmod (or similar utilities) to give YT-DLP executable perms
For installation on a Windows (10/2019+) servers...
Opening your terminal (command prompt/powershell)
- Right-click while holding Shift in the Virtuoso folder and select the option to open a terminal, command prompt, or powershell window in that directory
Install necessary Node dependencies:
- Run "npm i --production" in the terminal windows
Duplicate or rename ".env.example" to ".env" and edit the following properties:
If you would like the program to automatically start:
- Create shortcut of "start.bat" by right-clicking and selecting "Create Shortcut"
- You can rename this shortcut to whatever you want
- Move the shortcut to the "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" directory
Covering both Linux and Windows environments...
- Invite your bot to server(s)... Tutorial
- After adding your bot to any servers, you must register your slash commands by running "node deploy.js" in the terminal
- Start your bot:
- On Linux run "sudo service virtuoso start"
- On Windows open the "Start.bat" script
- Bot status:
- On Linux run "sudo service virtuoso status"
- On Windows bring your terminal window to the foreground
- Stop your bot:
- On Linux run "sudo service virtuoso stop"
- On Windows close the terminal window
- Discord Commands:
- /play: Plays the linked (or searched) YouTube audio
- /skip: Skips the current song
- /pause: Pauses music playback
- /resume: Resumes music playback
- /stop: Disconnects the bot and resets audio state
- /loop: Toggles looping feature
- /about: Displays an overview of Virtuoso
- /ping: Tests your slash command