Code related to quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of various adaptations in two hybrid crosses of cichlids. One cross was between Labidochromis caeruleus and Labeotropheus trewavasae, and a second cross was between Aulonocara koningsi and Metriaclima mbenjii. Scripts include those used to call genotypes, generate the linkage map, and analyze data related to melanic barring in the Aulonocara and Metriaclima cross.
Please cite: DeLorenzo L, DeBrock V, Carmona Baez A, Ciccotto PJ, Peterson EN, Stull C, Roberts NB, Roberts RB, and Powder KE. 2022. Morphometric and genetic description of trophic adaptations in cichlid fishes. Biology. 11: 1165.
DeLorenzo L, Mathews D, Brandon AA, Joglekar M, Carmona Baez A, Moore EC, Ciccotto PJ, Roberts NB, Roberts RB, Powder KE. 2023. Genetic basis of ecologically relevant body shape variation among four genera of cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology. doi: