A Minecraft inspired game engine based on WebGL - Work In Progress
TypeScript Game Dev Series - GLOOM By Travis Vroman
Probably going to stop as I'm switching to Rust
- Move date from Level to DataStore
- Set up World
- Initial demo level
- Procedural generation
- Set up asset loading
- Initial demo texture loading
- Texture atlas
- Loading phase
- Set up Entities
- Entities class
- Voxel call
- Component class
- SafeArray class
- Remove redundant Block class
- Entities class
- Set up rendering
- Combine block mesh
- Optimize mesh updating
- Refactor level code
- Create a HTML5 HUD system
- Add SCSS support
- Update only on events
- Redo debug HUD
- Add crosshair
- Set up Physics
- Collisions
- Gravity
- Set up game states
- Limit delta time
- Create globals
- Create dispose methods
- Set up audio
- Add more TODOs...
- Set up development project
- Git
- Prettier
- Linter
- Set up build process
- Bundler
- Debugging
- Assets
- Set up skeleton page
- Handle canvas resizing
- Set up game-loop
- Set up data store
- Set up messaging
- Add Game class
- Set up basic WebGL
- Set up input handling
- Keyboard handling
- Mouse locking
First install dependencies:
npm i
To run locally on localhost:1234
npm start
To create a production build:
npm run build
To debug on VS Code run locally and start the debugger