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Fly Deploy

MegaHAL Server

MegaHAL Server is a Rails server that allows users to chat with MegaHAL, a learning chatterbot.

You can chat with MegaHAL online right now!

MegaHAL Server Demo


This will install redis and flyctl, along with the various Ruby gems, assuming you're running rvm or similar.

> brew bundle
> rvm use `cat .ruby-version`@`cat .ruby-gemset`
> bundle install


Running the ./bin/dev script will start the Rails server and will start the ./bin/megahal-server script as well, which should be enough to get things up-and-running on your local machine.


I deploy to with a GitHub action which does the following:

> fly deploy --remote-only

You can run MegaHAL on the free tier, but there is some additional configuration that needs to be done (for example, you will need to launch a redis instance too, using the configuration in the redis directory, you will need to attach a persistent storage volume, and you'll need to define the REDIS_URL and MOUNT_PATH secrets too). Look at the fly.toml configuration files for details.


Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Jason Hutchens. See UNLICENSE for further details.