Register is an easy-to-use console app for managing attendant table located in google sheet.
Since it supports only one command backfill
for filling table with random start and finish times.
Register generates values based on yaml-config with the following structure:
# file with holidays
holidays_file: supplementary/uk_holidays.txt
# file with vacations
vacations_file: supplementary/vacations.txt
credentials: <path to json with google service account key>
spread_sheet_id: ...
sheet_name: ...
table_date_layout: <time layout used compatible with go time.Parse function>
# meaning of columns in sheet
date: "Date"
started: "Started"
finished: "Finished"
comment: "Comment"
duration: "Hours"
month: "Month"
# a set to started time values choose from
- "10:00:00"
- "10:30:00"
- "11:00:00"
- "11:30:00"
# length of working day
workday_duration: "8h"
Register can be compiled with go (minimum version 1.18) via command
go build -o bin/register
bin/register backfill --start <your start date> --end <your end date>
This generates attendance records between start and end dates (end date is not included).
The provided left-closed interval will be checked on overlapping with data presented in sheets
and in case of collision the error is thrown. A default value for start
flag is the day after maximum
date in google sheet, default for end
is today.