This little project implements the Connect 4 board game. It has a human player and a computer player implementation. The computer player is implemented using the Minimax algorithm using alpha-beta pruning.
It is also my first Scala project. I'm learning Scala mainly by reading Scala for the impatient and I wanted to have a little project to try out what I read and to get a feel with the language, IDE support, testing,... That's how Connect4 was born.
I'll change the code as I progress and get smarter on Scala.
The project uses sbt. So if you have sbt installed you should be able to execute:
sbt compile
: Compiles application.
sbt test:compile
: Compiles tests.
sbt test
: Executes the tests.
sbt run
: Executes the application.
sbt eclipse
: Create Eclipse project files.
sbt gen-idea
: Create IntelliJ IDEA project files.