- Project 1: Personal Profile - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Customized a web page to create a personal profile. This project uses HTML, CSS, Git, and GitHub.
- Project 2: Responsive Layout - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built a responsive, mobile-first layout using HTML, CSS, and media queries.
- Project 3: Registration Form - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built a responsive, mobile-friendly HTML5 form and style with CSS3 using a mobile-first approach.
- Project 4: Interactive Photo Gallery - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Created an interactive photo gallery using JavaScript to search and the jQuery Lightbox plugin for the images. Users search the responsive photo gallery by typing the search box and results are found based on the caption in the photo.
- Project 5: Style Guide - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Created a web style guide using Sass. Style guides are used to help maintain consistency in branding and save development time through documentation.
- Project 6: Interactive Video Player - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built an HTML5 video player using JavaScript and the HTML5 Video API. This project also uses MediaElementJS and SASS.
How it works: The video player synchronizes the video with the transcript in two ways:
The transcript's current position is highlighted as the video progresses.
When users click any part of the transcript, they will be taken to the appropriate place in the video.
- Project 7: Guessing Game Show App - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Created a Game Show App with vanilla JavaScript using arrays, functions, loops, conditionals, and events.
- Guess the phrase by selecting a letter on the screen's keyboard
- You get 5 chances.
- Guess the phrase before you run out of turns!
- Guess 5 wrong letters and you lose the game.
- Project 8: SVG Animations - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
This project uses optimized SVGs and CSS3 Animations & Transforms to create a fun site devoted to Corgi Kennels.
- Project 9: Web App Dashboard - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built the front end of an interactive dashboard for a web application from scratch using advanced web techniques including SVG graphics and JavaScript programming. Implemented JavaScript-driven charts and graphics using the Chart.js library. Users can save settings to local storage.
- Project 10: Employee Directory with Public API - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built the front end of an employee directory from scratch and update the dynamic data through a public API. The employee directory features 12 employees (which update each time the app is displayed) and when an employee's card is clicked on, a modal window appears displaying more information about that employee. This project uses JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON objects through the Random User Generator API.
- Project 11: React Flickr Gallery - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
Built an image gallery using React and the Flickr API. I bootstrapped the project using create-react-app. I built out the components from a mockup, integrated CSS, and set up routing. This project was not just about learning React, but also about learning how to handle URL routing, modular code design, setting and using state and stateless components, and fetching JSON data via an API.
- Project 12: Final Portfolio - Final Grade: Exceeds Expectations 💯✨
The capstone project for the Front End Techdegree program is a portfolio of my work. I integrated multiple JavaScript interactions, FontAwesome SVG icons, and the Zurb Foundation framework.