This is an example of pipeline errors handling while complying to "12factor" principles:
- we have several stateless processes (proto and some_rust_lib)
- proto handles web requests and may inform user about errors in the pipeline
- each spawned message has unique ID and user information (about who spawned it)
- messages are routed via any broker (Redis Pub/Sub, RabbitMQ, you-name-it)
- it's the process' responsibility to send a signal to a broker when the process can't handle message
- when the process is killed or dies silently - it's infrastructure problem and can be monitored (but not managed!) via "search-for-lost-turtles" mechanism
- every stage records turtles seen and we may set ttl for such updates to consider every record past some threshold as "lost"
$ cd proto && poetry export -f requirements.txt -o requirements.txt --without-hashes && cd -
$ docker build -t ml_proto proto
$ docker build -t ml_proto_rust some_rust_lib
$ docker-compose up
$ MUST_RETURN=$(http\?x\=1\&y\=2 | jq '.process.meta.uid')
$ GOT_LOST=$(http\?x\=100000\&y\=2 | jq '.process.meta.uid')
... rust_1 | 2020-12-13 08:18.42 Rust lib listens to the start_on_the_beach in Thread-1... web_1 | INFO: Started server process [1] web_1 | INFO: Waiting for application startup. web_1 | 2020-12-13 08:18.43 redis connected client=Redis<ConnectionPool<Connection<host=redis,port=6379,db=0>>> web_1 | 2020-12-13 08:18.43 Listen for errors... channel=/dev/null thread_name=Thread-1 web_1 | INFO: Application startup complete. web_1 | INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.51 Message in: start_on_the_beach rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.51 b'{"meta": {"stage": "start", "uid": "c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e", "user": "4389061a-0db9-49bc-9ed3-b9f64259d04e"}, "payload": {"x": 1, "y": 2}}' web_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.51 tortoise sent channel=start_on_the_beach process=Tortoise(meta=ProcessMeta(stage='start', uid='c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e', user='4389061a-0db9-49bc-9ed3-b9f64259d04e'), payload=ProcessPayload(x=1, y=2)) web_1 | INFO: - "GET /?x=1&y=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.51 Message last seen at DIVIDE uid=c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.51 Sent to: ocean msg={'meta': {'stage': 'divider', 'uid': 'c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e', 'user': '4389061a-0db9-49bc-9ed3-b9f64259d04e'}, 'payload': {'result': 0.5}} web_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.56 tortoise sent channel=start_on_the_beach process=Tortoise(meta=ProcessMeta(stage='start', uid='b5048bdb-72f8-4015-a6af-a80d9067eb79', user='aeb56322-071a-4145-acee-9edaab1993d0'), payload=ProcessPayload(x=100000, y=2)) web_1 | INFO: - "GET /?x=100000&y=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.56 Message in: start_on_the_beach rust_1 | 2020-12-13 09:19.56 b'{"meta": {"stage": "start", "uid": "b5048bdb-72f8-4015-a6af-a80d9067eb79", "user": "aeb56322-071a-4145-acee-9edaab1993d0"}, "payload": {"x": 100000, "y": 2}}'
$ http\?key\=${MUST_RETURN:1:-1}
$ http\?key\=${GOT_LOST:1:-1}
web_1 | 2020-12-13 09:20.00 Tortoise c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e last seen at: divider web_1 | INFO: - "GET /check?key=c6956e79-3f38-4b32-a971-c8d746cb518e HTTP/1.1" 200 OK web_1 | 2020-12-13 09:20.04 Tortoise b5048bdb-72f8-4015-a6af-a80d9067eb79 last seen at: start web_1 | INFO: - "GET /check?key=b5048bdb-72f8-4015-a6af-a80d9067eb79 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK