Hadroid is on PyPI:
$ pip install hadroid
Copy the default configuration file:
$ cp hadroid/config.py myconfig.py
Edit the myconfig.py
to your
Gitter API token.
Point to your config with environmental variable:
$ export HADROID_CONFIG=myconfig.py
The bot is run using the hadroid
which allows for launching bot threads that can listen
on the Gitter channels for incoming commands or execute periodic tasks.
Bot will listen for messages and reply back on a single channel. This can be either an orgazation channel, repository or a private one-on-one chat with a user. The bot needs to be already in the room, or at least one private message needs to be send to the bot.
First, run the main bot "server" application:
$ hadroid run
Keep this session alive an in another session have the bot join some channels:
$ hadroid --help
For CRON commands, run a CRON daemon in a separate shell:
$ hadroid start stream <your_github_username>
$ hadroid start cron <your_github_username>
To deploy Hadroid you can use the provided fabile.py (tested on commonly used VPS vanilla instances of Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8) in the following manner:
$ # fabtools is a helper library for Fabric
$ pip2 install --user fabric fabtools
$ # "bootstrap" has to run once for each machine you plan to deploy
$ fab -U root -H my-server.xyz bootstrap
$ # You should run "deploy" everytime you change the config as well
$ fab -U root -H my-server.xyz deploy:config_path=/path/to/your/config.py
$ # To manage the bot you can use the "start/stop/restart" commands:
$ fab -U root -H my-server.xyz start
Take a look and modify the fabfile if your remote machine doesn't play well.