Maintainer: k dot shenk at gmail dot com
The aim of mypsl is to provide a simple interface for querying and filtering the MySQL process list. Over time the available options have become bloated, so some cases may not be so simple.
Via PIP:
pip install mypsl
usage: mypsl [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-u USER] [-P PASSWD] [-ch CHARSET] [--config CONNECT_CONFIG] [-sm SALT_MINION] [-l LOOP_SECOND_INTERVAL] [-lm LOOP_MAX] [-dft] [-c COMMAND] [-s STATE] [-t TIME] [-d DATABASE] [-q QUERY] [-i] [-isr] [--debug] [-o ORDER_BY] [-T] [-v] [--slack] [--kill] [-kt KILL_THRESHOLD] [-ka] [-ky] [-kl KILL_LOG] [-klo] (mypsl: mypsl: 0.19) :: MySQL Process list watcher & query killer. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Connection Options: -H HOST, --host HOST The host to get the process list from. If localhost, we will attempt to find and use the socket file first. (default: localhost) -p PORT, --port PORT The host's port. If the host is localhost, we will attempt to find and use the socket file first. (default: 3306) -u USER, --user USER The user to connect to the host as. (default: root) -P PASSWD, --pass PASSWD The password for authentication. (default: ) -ch CHARSET, --charset CHARSET Charset to use with the database. (default: utf8) --config CONNECT_CONFIG Load connection configuration from a file in /root/.mypsl. Just provide the filename. This will override any other connection information provided (default: None) -sm SALT_MINION, --salt-minion SALT_MINION Connect to mysql running on a salt minion. Do not use any other connection options with this. mysql:connection:user and mysql:connection:pass must exist in pillar data. (default: None) Configuration Options: -l LOOP_SECOND_INTERVAL, --loop LOOP_SECOND_INTERVAL Time in seconds between getting the process list. (default: 0) -lm LOOP_MAX, --loop_max LOOP_MAX If specified we will stop execution when the loop interval reaches this number (default: None) -dft, --default Run with defaults. Loop interval: 3 seconds, command like query or connect, order by time asc, id asc, truncate query to 1000. (default: False) -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND Lookup processes running as this command. (default: None) -s STATE, --state STATE Lookup processes running in this state. (default: None) -t TIME, --time TIME Lookup processes running longer than the specified time in seconds. (default: None) -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE Lookup processes running against this database. (default: None) -q QUERY, --query QUERY Lookup processes where the query starts with this specification. (default: None) -i, --id Only print back the ID of the processes. (default: False) -isr, --ignore_system_user Ignore the 'system user' (default: False) --debug Provide debug output. (default: False) -o ORDER_BY, --order_by ORDER_BY Order the results by a particular column: "user", "db asc", "db desc", "time desc"...etc (default: None) -T, --trim_info Trim the info field (the query) to 1000 (default: False) -v, --version Show the installed program version and quit. (default: False) --slack Send a notification to slack anytime we kill a query. Slack Auth/Config file must exist @ ~/.slack_auth (default: False) Kill Options: --kill Kill the queries that we find. (default: False) -kt KILL_THRESHOLD, --kill_threshold KILL_THRESHOLD The kill threshold. If a number is provided, we'll need to hit that many total connections before killing queries. You can set this to 'off' as well, which kills queries no matter how many connections there are. (default: 100) -ka, --kill_all If this flag is provided, we'll attempt to kill everything, not only select queries. Use with caution! (default: False) -ky, --kill_yes If this is provided we won't stop to ask if you are sure that you want to kill queries. (default: False) -kl KILL_LOG, --kill_log KILL_LOG Where to log killed queries to, granting permissions to write to this file. (default: /var/log/killed_queries.log) -klo, --kill_log_only Only log the queries that would be killed, do not actually kill them (default: False)
Suggestions and contributions are welcome. Please fork me and create PRs back to the develop