Library to handle authentication flow for react-redux application, it exports a singleton reference of AuthService class.
npm install react-auth-flow --save
Steps to setup -
Import AuthService
import AuthService from 'react-auth-flow';
Initialize the service by passing some initial setup arguments
The init method of AuthService class returns a reducer which is needed to be registered in store
'store': store,
'loginPath': loginPath,
'defaultRedirectPath': defaultRedirectPath,
'redirectAction': redirectAction,
'localStorageKey': localStorageKey
Key | Description |
store |
redux store |
loginPath |
login route of the configured UI router (will be redirected to this path if the user is not authenticated) |
defaultRedirectPath |
user will be redirected to this path if login is successful, in case user requested some authenticated route then it will be redirected to that route after successful login |
redirectAction |
action method which will redirect to the path evalued by the library, in case of react-router-redux it should be 'push' |
localStorageKey |
key name by which the user context is saved in local storage |
Authenticating routes using react router and react-auth-flow
You can authenticate your component using requireAuth method of the library
import AuthService from 'react-auth-flow';
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={AuthService.requireAuth(YourComponent)}/>
Basic Example-
import {createStore, combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {routerReducer, push} from 'react-router-redux';
import AuthService from 'react-auth-flow';
const store = createStore(combineReducers({
router: routerReducer,
let authReducer = AuthService.init({
store: store,
loginPath: '/login',
defaultRedirectPath: '/',
redirectAction: push,
localStorageKey: 'sampleKey'
Live Example-
import {createStore, combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {routerReducer, push} from 'react-router-redux';
import AuthService from 'react-auth-flow';
const makeRootReducer = (asyncReducers) => {
return combineReducers({
router: routerReducer,
const injectReducer = (store, reducerList) => {
for(let key in reducerList) {
store.asyncReducers[key] = reducerList[key];
const store = createStore(combineReducers({
store.asyncReducers = {};
let authReducer = AuthService.init({
store: store,
loginPath: '/login',
defaultRedirectPath: '/',
redirectAction: push,
localStorageKey: 'sampleKey'
injectReducer(store, authReducer);