I was a lead developer for a bot called "Rocket" throughout March of 2020 - 2021 where development was discontinued. I am now working on a bot called Mecha I now code discord bots with a new one in the making (Mecha). I used to work on websites with a man called King Of Quaccers, who I was very close with until my account was disabled. I am a Canadian developer from Ontario.
I code revolt selfbots (for educational use), modifications, tutorials, and more! I used to code discord bots for moderation, games, utilities, and image editing! I edit VHS ARG videos under an alias that I will NOT be sharing (as its fun and I love being undiscovered hahaa) I am a student, learning JavaScript, ruby, and rust (but still bad lmao) I am creating tutorials, discord tools, discord bots, Revolt Bots and websites