This is a set of Arduino sketches to make use of the CoZIR gas sensors. These sensors can measure temperature, humidity and CO₂. They are sold by Gas Sensing Solutions. The code is based on and partly copied from a thread on the Arduino forum, where users DirtGambit and robtillaart did great work making it possible for Arduino users to use these sensors.
Commands the sensor to calibrate itself. To be used when the sensor is surrounded by fresh air.
Polls the sensor and logs average and extreme measurements at fixed intervals. Via the serial monitor (USB) the log can be requested as CSV, that can be copied to a spreadsheet. About nine logs can be made before the memory is full. As soon as I have a datalogger shield, I will make sketch for creating bigger logs.
Gets the sensor's measurements and sends these to the serial port.
The digital filter can be adjusted to filter out noise in the measurements
Polling is the preferred mode as it potentially uses less energy. The tools require polling mode.
Streaming is the factory default.
- Use the wiring schematic from (see below). The tools use digital pins 3 and 2 instead of the ones shown in that manual. Connect pin 3 to the sensor's Rx pin and pin 2 to the sensor's Tx pin.
- Install the dependencies.
- Wiring schematic - Link only works if you click the first result of the Google search "Arduino Cozir"
- CoZIR Software user guide contains the documentation for the serial interface.
- The tools use Rob Tillaart's Cozir Library.
- The loggers also need the Average library.
- The LogToSD tool requires a DataLogger shield and this DS1307RTC library.
- The LogToCSV tool for logging without DataShield requires the Time library
To install libraries, download it to your Arduino/library folder and restart the Arduino IDE.