Use old fonts for H1/6 and article paragraphs in F1 website - Chrome and Firefox extension
Nothing much to introduce to be fair. I've decided to write this extensions because I'm working in IT, so my eyes are stressed enough. Liberty/FOM decided to use some new font in their website, which to be fair was not very easy on the eyes.
So this all started as idea for my own needs, but asked the r/formula1 community if such extensions is needed. Looking at the interest here it's more than needed. The idea for Firefox extension was also born in that thread. So cheers r/formula1
Keep in mind that I do like the new font, this is why you can see it on lots of places of the website. This extensions changes just the H1/6 and article paragraphs in the site as this are the text that disturb my eyes.
Firefox Firefox Add-ons.
Chrome Chrome Web Store
: Initial release