This repository contains the covidepid ontology along with four external ontologies that the covidepid ontology integrates into a single domain data model:
- Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) by World Health Organization, v2021aa
- International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Clinical Modification (ICD10CM) by World Health Organization, v2021aa
- Friend of a Friend (FOAF) by Dan Brickley and Libby Miller
- FOAF Relationship - an extension of FOAF by Ian Davis
The four external ontologies are uploaded here in case they get removed from their original sources on the Internet. I do not claim rights to them and I want hereby to credit their authors as indicated in their coresponding entries in the list above.
The covidepid ontology
The covidepid ontology is a domain data model used in the Evaluation of the impact of the B.1.1.7 SARS- COV-2 virus variant on epidemiology and clinical picture of COVID-19 in children project (2021-2022, University of Warsaw, Medical University of Warsaw). It is subject to change and should be treated as a proof of concept.
For more information on the epidemiological study and the data model refer to my master's thesis: Evaluation of the Linked Data approach to curation and processing of data in epidemiology.
The image above depicts a part of the covidepid ontology that was relevant to my master's thesis. Each color depicts a different domain, each self-contained with a complex inner structure. Red color corresponds to social concepts, such as Person or the "lives with" relationship. Yellow color corresponds to the ICD-10CM taxonomy and (health conditions). Grey color corresponds to the ATC taxonomy (pharmacology). Purple color is the core concept of the covidepid ontology that integrates those three domains into a single interdisciplinary data model.
The ultimate goal of this data model is to enable complex cross-sections through the data. Examples of cross-sections that one might want to analyze are:
- does certain type of comorbidities influence COVID-19 severity? (if yes, return that type of comorbidities)
- does continous use of certain medicines influence COVID-19 severity? (if yes, return that type of medicines)
- are there any combinations of other factors that influence COVID-19 spread or COVID-19 severity?
covidepid.owl license: GNU Public License 3. Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Jakub Jalowiec kuba.jal(at) For more information & citation refer to this page.