The Kubeflow Project is holding its second election for the Kubeflow Project Steering Committee (KSC).
The KSC responsibilities and operations are defined here.
The KSC elections process for 2 seats will start on 18 November 2024.
More details about the Kubeflow election process can be found in the Kubeflow Election Process document.
Voter qualifications: To be eligible to vote in this election a voter should be an active member in the Kubeflow Community and have a minimum of 50 contributions* to the Kubeflow project in the last year (defined below).** If you believe you are eligible to vote, but are not listed as eligible you may file an exception.
*The qualified voters list will be published to the elections folder and shared with the community via Kubeflow-discuss on Monday 18 November 2024, on or before 9:00am pacific.
*Contributions are defined as: Github Code and Issue Authors, Merge and Pull Requests Submitters as well as commenters on all issues, PRs and MRs.
** For this election last year is from 17 November 2023 to 17 November 2024
Nomination qualifications: A nominee should be an active member in the Kubeflow Community and have a minimum of 50 contributions* to the Kubeflow project in the last year.** have the available bandwidth to be invested in the KSC, and be able to operate neutrally in discussions regardless of company or project affiliation. If you believe you are eligible, but are not listed as eligible you may file an exception. I (Election officers are ineligible to run in an election, but can vote.)
The qualified nominees list will be published to the elections folder and shared with the community via Kubeflow-discuss on Monday 18 November 2024, on or before 9:00am pacific.
**Contributions are defined as: Github Code and Issue Authors, Merge and Pull Requests Submitters as well as commenters on all issues, PRs and MRs.
** For this election last year is from 17 November 2023 to 17 November 2024.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know who is qualified, you can do so by adding their name to the following Nominations Issues. (Nominations Issue will be created on the date the nominations phase will be open)
We will publish the list of Qualified Nominees.
Exceptions Phase: 18 November 2024 at 0900 Pacific Time (Starts) - 24 November 2024 at 12:00pm Pacific Time (Ends)
Nominations Phase: 25 November 2024 at 0900 Pacific Time (Starts) - 8 December 2024 at 12:00pm Pacific Time (Ends)
Testimonial Phase: 9 December 2024 at 0900 Pacific Time (Starts) - 22 December 2024 at 12:00pm Pacific Time (Ends)
Voting Phase: 23 December 2024 at 0900 Pacific Time (Starts) - 12 January 2025 at 12:00pm Pacific Time (Ends)
Announcement of Election Results: 13 January 2024
The exceptions phase will be open for 1 week and start on 18 November 2024. If you are not on the list of eligible nominees or voters and believe you should be listed, you can file for an exception during this phase. To file an exception please fill out the exceptions form.
This phase will be open for 2 weeks starting on 25 November 2024 and ending on 8 December 2024.
During the nomination phase, members of the Kubeflow Community can nominate themselves or someone they know who meets the qualifications by adding their name to the Nomination Issue. Issue will be created on 25 November 2024.
This guide and the elections folder will be updated once the Issue has been created. Elections officers will verify those who have been nominated are eligible and verify they are willing to run in this election.
Once you are nominated and the elections officer(s) has verified that you are eligible and are willing to run in this election, instructions will be sent for you to add a file to the nominations director under the elections folder.
Your nominee file should include the following information:
Name (First and Last):
Github ID:
Email Address:
Why you are running and want to be part of the PSG:
Anything else you would like the community to consider when voting for you.
This phase will be open for 2 weeks starting on 9 December 2024 and ending on 22 December 2024.
During the testimonial phase members of the Community will be able to add a testimonial support to the nominees of their choice.
No NEGATIVE testimonial. Testimonials should only be in support of a nominee. If you do not believe someone should be on the KSC then don’t vote for them. Again, this phase and comments are for positive support of nominees.
Instructions will be added to this document and to the elections directory on how to add a testimonial. Instructions will be shared on or before 22 December 2024.
This phase will be open for 3 weeks starting on 23 December 2024 and ending on 12 January 2024.
During this phase qualified members*** will be able to vote for the KSC members.
Qualified members will be sent a CIVS voting key via the main email they have listed on their github accounts.
***Qualified members are those Kubeflow Community Members who have a minimum of 50 Commits in the last year from the start of the election process. As noted above, For this election the last year is from 17 November 2023 to 17 November 2024.
Election Results will be announced on 13 January 2025.