A job to allow importing a VM from a support virt-v2v source into KubeVirt.
There are some constraints on the VM:
- Single NIC
- Single attached disk
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:default:kubevirt-privileged
$ oc process --local -f manifests/template.yaml \
-p SOURCE_TYPE=ova \
| oc create -f -
$ oc get jobs
$ oc get pods
$ oc process --local -f manifests/template.yaml \
-p SOURCE_TYPE=ova \
| kubectl create -f -
$ kubectl get jobs
$ kubectl get pods
Alternatively the job manifest can be used directly, but you'll need to modify it in order to adapt it to your environment:
# Edit manifests/job.yaml
$ kubectl create -f manifests/job.yaml
$ kubectl logs -f v2v-kw443
When using ceph-cinder-demo we need to run a command to set default flag for storageClass
$ oc.sh patch storageclass standalone-cinder -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
Pretty straight forward:
- Run virt-v2v with
-o local
inside a container - Create a KubeVirt VM definition from the resulting domxml
- Create a PVC and attach it to a pod
- Send the disk to the pod with PVC to populate the PVC, and the VM in the cluster