This is an Oracle module for Gauche.
First, make sure that ORACLE_HOME is set correctly and LD_LIBRARY_PATH indicates $ORACLE_HOME/lib.
Second, run the following command:
gauche-package install Gauche-dbd-oracle-0.0.1.tgz
First, download Oracle Instant Client zip packages: Basic and SDK. Rpm packages are not supported.
Second, unzip them.:
mkdir /opt cd /opt unzip unzip
Third, make a symbolic link if it doesn't exist:
cd /opt/instantclient_11_1 ln -s
Forth, make sure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH indicates the installed directory:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/instantclient_11_1 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Fifth, run the following command:
gauche-package install -C --with-instant-client=/opt/instantclient_11_1 Gauche-dbd-oracle-0.0.1.tgz
Gauche-dbd-oracle is a DBD module of Gauche-dbi. Look at the Gauche-dbi for usage.
The DSN format of dbd-oracle is: "dbi:oracle:TNS_NAME" or "dbi:oracle://HOSTNAME:PORT/SID_NAME". Username and password are passed as keywords as follows:
(define conn (dbi-connect "dbi:oracle://localhost/XE" :username "scott" :password "tiger"))
- Oralce 8i or lower is not supported.
- Transactions are not supported. All DMLs are automatically committed.
- Date and timestamp data types are retrieved as string values.