Crystal bindings for Kyoto Tycoon. It uses a connection pool to maintain multiple connections.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: kuende/kt
require "kt"
kt = "", port: 1978, poolsize: 5, timeout: 5.0)
# Setting
kt.set("japan", "tokyo") # set a key
kt.set_bulk({"china" => "beijing", "france" => "paris", "uk" => "london"})
kt.get("japan") # => "tokyo"
kt.get_bulk(["japan", "france"]) # => {"japan" => "tokyo", "france" => "paris"}
kt.get("foo") # => nil
kt.get!("foo") # => raises KT::RecordNotFound
kt.remove("japan") # => true
kt.remove("japan") # => false, key japan is not found anymore
kt.remove!("japan") # => raises KT::RecordNotFound becouse key japan is not found
kt.remove_bulk(["japan", "china"]) # => 1 (number keys deleted)
kt.clear # deletes all records in the database
kt.set_bulk({"user:1" => "1", "user:2" => "2", "user:4" => "4"})
kt.match_prefix("user:") # => ["user:1", "user:2", "user:3", "user:4", "user:5"]
# Compare and swap
kt.set("user:1", "1")
kt.cas("user:1", "1", "2") # => true
kt.cas("user:1", "1", "3") # => false, previous value is "2"
kt.cas("user:1", nil, "3") # => false, record already exists with value "2"
kt.cas("user:2", nil, "1") # => true, no record exists so it was set
kt.cas("user:1", "2", nil) # => true, record is removed becouse it was present
kt.cas("user:1", "2", nil) # => false, it fails becouse no record with this key exists
# cas! raises where cas returns false
kt.cas!("user:1", "1", "2") # => KT::CASFailed, no record exists with this value
kt.count # => 2 keys in database
- implement expiration for most commands
- work with multiple servers
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request