JUNE is a Nim binding of the JUCE framework, allowing fast prototyping JUCE applications in your favourite compiled programming language.
Build the JUCE shared library.
nimble juce_debug
# nimble juce_release
Then build the nim test (tweak nim.cfg if needed).
nimble app_debug
# nimble app_release
A simple example application (subject to changes):
import june
{.emit: """/*INCLUDESECTION*/
#include <june.h>
defineCppClass TestApplication of JUCEApplication:
window: ptr DocumentWindow
proc constructTestApplication*(): TestApplication =
result = TestApplication()
proc createApplication(): ptr JUCEApplication =
var application: ptr TestApplication = cnew constructTestApplication()
application.window = nil
application[].onGetApplicationName = bindClosure(proc(): String = "JUNE App")
application[].onGetApplicationVersion = bindClosure(proc(): String = "0.1")
application[].onInitialise = bindClosure(proc(commandLine: String) =
var windowName = application[].getApplicationName()
application[].window = newDocumentWindow(windowName, makeColour(50'u8, 62'u8, 68'u8, 255'u8), DocumentWindow_allButtons, true)
application[].window[].onCloseButtonPressed = bindClosure(proc() = JUCEApplication.getInstance().systemRequestedQuit())
application[].window[].setResizable(true, true)
application[].window[].centreWithSize(640, 480)
application[].onShutdown = bindClosure(proc() =
application[].window = nil
application[].onSystemRequestedQuit = bindClosure(proc() = application[].quit())
result = application
when isMainModule:
Will look like this: