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Angular Webpack demo

  1. Dynamic create NgModule(动态创建模块)
  2. BaiduMap(百度地图)
  3. Lazyload router(懒加载路由)
  4. children router(多级路由)
  5. http demo(http 请求)

Create a new project

Clone this repo into new project folder (e.g., my-proj).

git clone  my-proj
cd my-proj

Install npm packages

See npm and nvm version notes above

Install the npm packages described in the package.json and verify that it works:

npm install
npm run dev

The npm run dev command first compiles the application and run webpack-dev-server, Both the compiler and the server watch for file changes.

Shut it down manually with Ctrl-C.

You're ready to write your application.

npm scripts

npm scripts defined in the package.json:

  • npm build - runs the ngc and webpack compiler to build the program.
  • npm run dev - runs the webpack-dev-server and watch all files