Author: Steven Yi<>
csound-live-code is a library, framework, and web application for live coding and music making with Csound. The core is a library, livecode.orc, that contains a number of user-defined opcodes and instruments. These opcodes and instruments provide a foundation for live coding of music with Csound and provide abstractions like a metronome, tempo, duration units (i.e., ticks, beats, bars), scales, and pattern creation tools. The parts all work together to form a framework for live coding with callback instruments or temporal recursion. This library is used with desktop Csound installations as well as used as part of the web application.
Getting Started
- Events and Channels
- Temporal Recursion
- Callback Instrument
- Always-on Instruments
Rhythm and Pattern Generation
- Tutorial 1: Let's make a sound!
- Tutorial 2: Let's make our own sound!
- Tutorial 3: Performing with a Feedback Delay
- Tutorial 4: Making Music in a Modular Style