CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language created in the mid-1970s. It was made to allow video games to be more easily programmed for the early 8-bit microcomputers.
Systems running CHIP-8 are great candidates for emulation, because of their simple architecture. CHIP-8 specification requires:
- Memory / CPU
- 4096 bytes of addressable memory
- Sixteen 8-bit data registers (V0-VF)
- One 16 bit address register (I)
- Graphics
- Monochrome display with a resolution of 64x32 pixels
- Input
- 16-key hexadecimal keypad
Original layout: Emulated with: 1 2 3 C 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 D --> Q W E R 7 8 9 E A S D F A 0 B F Z X C V
- 16-key hexadecimal keypad
To provide:
- CHIP-8 interpreter capable of executing CHIP-8 programs
- Disassembler able to show details about the CHIP-8 program
- User interface capable of loading and running CHIP-8 programs