This is a Point of Sales App. This project is my first app after diving deeper into python and with little knowledge of PySide. It has a robust, scalable, and powerful app with a modern design (Dracula theme). Built with python
- The dashboard is where daily activities are statistically displayed, user information, and stocks with a lesser quantity
- The sidebar can be expanded and collapsed. It contains the shortcut button to various interfaces, sign-out, and settings
- The sales interface is the main interface where the sales activities happen. It has CRUD buttons, a table, and a print receipt button. - Item can be bought in bulk or in single
- The stock allows the user to keep track of individual items or goods from the supplier
- Python
- Pyside 6
- MySql
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps
- install MySqlserver
lawrence@lawrence:~$ git clone ""
lawrence@lawrence:~$ pip install PySide
lawrence@lawrence:~$ python
- Pycharm
- Knowledge About Python, Pyside 6, CSS, MySql
- MySql - server
- A web browser(chrome, etc)
- Lawrence Addai Kusi
- GitHub: @Githubhandle
- Twitter: @Twitterhandle
- Linkedin: Linkedin
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a star ⭐ if you like this project!
Original design idea by Wanderson.
Warning: this project was created using PySide and Python 3.9, using previous versions can cause compatibility problems.
This Project is MIT licensed