This is an example of a Bitrix module with a REST/AJAX endpoint. To use this module, clone this repository to your local/modules directory on your Bitrix server and install the module through the admin panel.
This module exposes a single endpoint that allows you to retrieve the vowels from the name of a user by their ID.
To access the endpoint via AJAX, use the following code:
data: {
id: <<put a user ID here>>
Please note that the action name is case-sensitive.
To access the endpoint via REST, you must create an incoming webhook and give it access to a kuvalkin.example scope. You can do this via the "Developers" menu on your Bitrix site. The webhook URL will be in the following format:
https://your.domain/rest/<ID of the user that created the webhook>/<token>/
To send a GET request to the endpoint, use the following URL:
https://your.domain/rest/<ID of the user that created the webhook>/<token>/kuvalkin.example.User.getUserNameVowels?id=<<put a user ID here>>
Please note that the action name is case-sensitive.