Here you can find the Movie Recommendation engine backend Flask API code.
I created this project to leverage the open-source MovieLens dataset and hopefully help people figure out what to watch next. Below is an illustration of what the engine will recommend if you enter the movie "Heat (1995)". You can also try it out based on your favourite movie on:
To run the Flask API, you will first need to download the similarity matrix file from here:
Google drive folder: movie_similarity.csv
and place the movie_similarity.csv file into the root directory. Your code structure should look as follows:
Next, make sure you have the necessary libraries installed. For example, if you are using anaconda, you can create a separate environment and install necessary libraries as follows:
conda create --name py37_tut python=3.7
conda activate py37_tut
pip install Flask Flask-Cors pandas
To run the API:
To test the API, in a separate terminal run the following:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"movie_title":"Heat (1995)"}'
If everything is working properly, you should see the following output/recommendations:
This backend API is designed to work with the Vue.js frontend which you can find here: Vue.js Frontend Repo