This a simple ESP32 component allowing using Kuzzle as backend for your IoT device base on Espressif ESP32 microcontrollers.
To make kuzzle-esp32
component availlable to your project, you just need to clone it in the components
folder of your ESP32 project.
As it depends on esp-mqtt
components, this one also needs to be cloned in your components
$ git submodule add components/esp-mqtt
$ git submodule add components/kuzzle-esp32
Your project folder structure should look like this:
$ tree -d -L 2
├── components
│ ├── esp-mqtt
│ └── kuzzle-esp32
└── main
In order to use this component, you will have to setup Kuzzle as describe in this how-to
Initiallize and connect to Kuzzle:
#include "kuzzle.h"
static kuzzle_settings_t _k_settings = {
.host = "your.kuzzle.instance",
.port = 1883, // Kuzzle MQTT port
.device_type = "your-device-type-id",
.device_id = "my-device-id", // This has to be unique for each device
.on_fw_update_notification = NULL,
.on_device_state_changed_notification = on_device_state_change_request, // a callback that will be called when a state change request is received from kuzzle
.on_connected = on_kuzzle_connected
if(kuzzle_init(&_k_settings) != K_ERR_NONE) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to initialise Kuzzle ESP32 module");
Receiving device state change request:
void on_device_state_change_request(cJSON *jpartial_state)
cJSON *jstatus = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jpartial_state, "status");
assert(jstatus != NULL);
int16_t status_value = jstatus->valueint;
if (status_value == K_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
cJSON *jresult = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jpartial_state, "result");
cJSON *jsource = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jresult, "_source");
cJSON *jstate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsource, "state");
// Parse the new state from JSON here...
cJSON *r = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jstate, "a_property");
if (r != NULL)
_device_state.a_property = r->valueint;
cJSON *on = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jstate, "on");
if (on != NULL)
_device_state.on = on->valueint;
// Apply the new state to the hardware
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Error: Something went wrong");
To publish device state to Kuzzle, you have to build a JSON string representing it. This can be done using a simplte format string for simple device states, or using JSON library as cJSON that comes with ESP32 SDK.
static const char *light_body_fmt =
"{ \"a_property\": %d, \"on\": %s}";
static void _publish_light_state()
static char device_state_body[K_DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE] = {0};
_light_state.on ? "true" : "false");
You can find a more complete how to about kuzzle-esp32
More detailed documentation can be generated using doxygen
Run the following command in kuzzle-esp32
$ doxygen
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The documentation is availlable in _docs/html/index.html