An Jot interpreter and programmer written in Python.
Jot is a programming language where any sequence of 0s and 1s is a valid program. Read more about Jot here.
As anticipated, writing programs in Jot is painful. Jotty works by searching through all possible programs for another program which is extensionally equal to the desired program. For example, say we want to find a program which creates the K-combinator. The K-combinator takes two arguments, and returns the first one. Here is some Python code to illustrate:
ski_K = lambda x: lambda y: x
ski("fish")(42) == "fish"
We begin by creating the file target/
, which tells Jotty what we need:
# target/ return the first argument, discard the second
test = 'p(1)(2) == 1'
Now we can use jotty to try to bruteforce a solution:
$ ./jotty target/
(0, 0)
Jotty has found the Jot program 00
. We can verify that this gives the correct result. First we convert from Jot to SKI:
[00] = [0]SK = []SKSK = ISKSK
Now using the rules of SKI-combinator calculus:
= KK(SK)xy
= Kxy
= x