This is my first step in the big and fascinating world of Go programming. The main idea of this application is to clean up Kubernetes deployments in the development environment. It helps me delete outdated deployments automatically. Because I am a big fan of Kubernetes, I decided to make this application for my learning purposes of Go programming.
This application can be used in the development kubernetes cluster, to automatically delete outdated deployments in particular namespace.
This application can be installed via helm chart.:
helm upgrade --install deployments-cleaner ./charts \
-f ./charts/values.yaml -n your-namespace
Environmet variables used in this application, with default values that
can be changed in values.yaml
The time in which deploymets cleaner will stop to work, or begining of workday.
The time in which deploymets cleaner will start to work, or end of workday.
Time in seconds that deploymets cleaner will wait before deleting outdated deployments. Here is 86400 seconds that means 24 hours.
DRY_RUN: true
Skip deleting actions if it set to true
This application can be monitored via Grafana. It returns deployments
names and timelive of each deployment in seconds in port 8080
in the