This project creates a book collection webpage where one keys in the book title and author.
- Create a collection that keeps a list of books (hint: you can use an array of objects for that).
- Create a function to add a new book to the collection, with title and author.
- Create a function to remove a book from the collection (hint: you can use the array filter() method).
- Display all books saved in the collection in the top part of the page.
- Make sure that when a user clicks the "Add" button:
- A new book is added to the collection.
- The new book is displayed in the page.
- Make sure that when a user clicks the "Remove" button:
- The correct book is removed from the collection.
- The correct book dissapears from the page.
- Make sure that data is preserved in the browser's memory by using localStorage.
Just fork it and fell free to use it.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Having a web browser, code editor and git.
Just fork it and you are good to go.
- Git & Gitflow
- Javascript
- Github: @kwambiee
- Twitter: @kwambiee
- Linkedin: Joy Kwamboka
- E-mail:
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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This project is MIT licensed.