is a necessary dependency since stimulus uses classes.
"dependencies": {
"classtrophobic": "0.1.2",
"stimulus": "3.1.0",
Read the Stimulus handbook
(ns app.core
[stimulus.core :as stimulus]))
(defn set-counter! [output counter]
(set! (.-innerText output) counter))
(defn initialize [state _ctx]
(reset! state {:counter 0}))
(defn connect [_state {:keys [target]}]
(set-counter! (:output target) 0))
(defn add-amount [state {:keys [target value]}]
(swap! state update :counter + (:amount value))
(set-counter! (:output target) (:counter @state)))
(def controllers
{:counter/static {:targets [:output]
:values {:amount :integer}}
:counter/initialize initialize
:counter/connect connect
:counter/add-amount add-amount})
(stimulus/register-controllers! controllers)
{:data-controller :counter
:data-counter-amount-value 2}
[:span "Counter: "]
[:span {:data-counter-target :output}]]
{:data-action :click->counter#add-amount}
"Add Amount"]]
Controller actions take two arguments:
which holds an atom during the controllers lifetime.ctx
which is a map containing the following keys:
Field | Description |
:this | The controllers object |
:value | A map of single values |
:target | A map of the first targets |
:targets | A map of multiple targets |
Released under the MIT License by Kevin William van Rooijen.