- Thant Sin Soe
- Kyi Zin
This is an E-commerce website that sells anime-related products such as figures, mugs, clothes. This is entirely written in PHP without the use of any frameworks or CMS because we are not allowed to due to the restriction made by lecturer.
- React
- Materialize CSS for CMS
- MDBootstrap for the website
- Do change your Apache Server's port number to localhost 8080 (MAMP or XAMP)
- Do change the DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD in connection.php
- The root folder's name should be "/e-commerce_with_purephp"
- Create an admin account manually
- If the table for Admin and Customer are not automatically generated, the column names can be found within addDatabase.php
- Photos uploaded should be in PNG or some of the features will not work, plus the items will work better with PNGs
- The basic database has been integrated in sqladd.sql, import it in the database.
- From terminal, run "npm install" from /e-commerce_with_purephp/acom_cms_admin/reactapp/ and /e-commerce_with_purephp/shopapp/