This language has the following features:
- Compiles to a low-level target (specifically MIPS assembly)
- Pointers
- Function pointers
i is an integer
var is a variable
fn is a function name
sn is a structure name
field is the name of a field in a structure
type ::= `int` | `void` | `bool` | // basic primitive types
sn | // name of a user-defined struct
type `*` | // pointers
`(` type* `)` `=>` type // function pointers
op ::= `+` | `-` | `*` | `/` | `==` | `<`
lhs ::= var | lhs `.` field | `*` lhs // used on left-hand side of assignment
exp ::= i | `true` | `false` | var |
malloc `(` exp `)` | // allocates a number of bytes of memory. Undefined behavior if parameter <= 0
sizeof `(` type `)` | // returns the number of bytes a value of type "type" consumes
exp op exp |
sn `(` exp* `)` | // creates a structure on the stack
fn `(` exp* `)` | // calls a function
exp `(` exp* `)` | // function call through pointer
`(` type `)` exp | // cast
`&` lhs | // address-of data
`&` fn | // address-of function
`*` exp | // dereference
exp `.` field // structure field access
vardec ::= type var
stmt ::= `if` `(` exp `)` stmt [`else` stmt] |
`while` `(` exp `)` stmt |
`break` `;` |
`continue` `;` |
vardec `=` exp `;` | // combined variable declaration and initialization
lhs `=` exp `;` | // assignment
`return` [exp] `;` | // return
`{` stmt* `}` | // blocks
exp `;` // expression statement
structDec ::= sn { vardec* }
fDef ::= type fn(vardec*) { stmt }
program ::= structDec* fDef*
Something like free
is intentionally missing from the language, even though it's low-level.
This is because the simulator for our compilation target (SPIM) is missing free
(Longer version: malloc
and free
should be implemented as library routines.
Our malloc
is implemented via a SPIM syscall that internally just calls sbrk
, which changes the size of the underlying heap, nothing more.
Implementing this properly requires library support, and implementing our own malloc
and free
is a major undertaking in and of itself.)
The typechecker and related semantic analysis needs to check:
- The types line up in expected places
- Function calls take expected parameters of expected types
- Stack structure creation takes expected parameters of expected types
- Structure field access accesses existant fields
- Functions return expected types
- Used variables have been declared
are used within the body ofwhile
Precedence is loosely based on C.
Structure creation, direct function calls, and indirect function calls cannot be distinguished purely syntactically, so these are a call-like. Address-of similarly can be data or a function.
Can get the address of:
- Variable
- Function name
- Field of a struct
i is an integer
id is an identifier
types ::= [type (`,` type)*]
primaryType ::= `int` | `void` | `bool` | id | `(` type `)`
pointerType ::= primaryType (`*`)*
functionType ::= (`(` types `)` `=>`)* pointerType
type ::= functionType
primaryLhs ::= id
accessLhs ::= primaryLhs (`.` id)*
starLhs ::= (`*`)* accessLhs
lhs ::= starLhs
exps ::= [exp (`,` exp)*]
primaryExp ::= i | `true` | `false` | id | `(` exp `)` |
`sizeof` `(` type `)` |
`malloc` `(` exp `)` |
`&` lhs
dotOrCall ::= `.` id | `(` exps `)`
dotOrCallExp::= primaryExp dotOrCall*
castOrMemItem ::= `(` type `)` | `*`
castOrMemExp ::= castOrMemItem* dotOrCallExp
multExp ::= castOrMemExp ((`*` | `/`) castOrMemExp)*
addExp ::= multExp ((`+` | `-`) multExp)*
compareExp ::= addExp (`<` addExp)*
equalsExp ::= compareExp (`==` compareExp)*
exp ::= equalsExp
vardec ::= type var
stmt ::= `if` `(` exp `)` stmt [`else` stmt] |
`while` `(` exp `)` stmt |
`break` `;` |
`continue` `;` |
`return` [exp] `;` | // return
`{` stmt* `}` | // blocks
`print` `(` exp `)` `;` | // printing
vardec `=` exp `;` | // combined variable declaration and initialization
lhs `=` exp `;` | // assignment
exp `;` // expression statement
structDec ::= `struct` id `{` (vardec `;`)* `}` `;`
params ::= [vardec (`,` vardec)*]
fDef ::= type id `(` params `)` `{` stmt* `}`
program ::= structDec* fDef*
- IdentifierToken(String)
- IntLiteralToken(int)
- CommaToken: 0
- IntToken: 1
- VoidToken: 2
- BoolToken: 3
- LeftParenToken: 4
- RightParenToken: 5
- StarToken: 6
- ArrowToken: 7
- DotToken: 8
- SingleAndToken: 9
- TrueToken: 10
- FalseToken: 11
- SizeofToken: 12
- MallocToken: 13
- DivToken: 14
- PlusToken: 15
- MinusToken: 16
- LessThanToken: 17
- DoubleEqualsToken: 18
- IfToken: 19
- ElseToken: 20
- WhileToken: 21
- SemicolonToken: 22
- BreakToken: 23
- ContinueToken: 24
- SingleEqualsToken: 25
- ReturnToken: 26
- StructToken: 27
- PrintToken: 28
- LeftCurlyBraceToken: 29
- RightCurlyBraceToken: 30
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="lowlang.Compiler" -Dexec.args="examples/perimeter.lowlang output.asm"
spim -quiet -file output.asm
mvn test