Hawkthorne is a web game based on the Community episode "Digital Estate Planning".
The project is written in pure Scala, using assets and logic from Digital Estate Planning: The Game, an open source project.
First, change the database section of application.conf to use your existing database credentials.
You'll either need Node.js available as "node" on the path, or change project/Server.scala's EngineType to Rhino.
Now, finally,
$ sbt
> run
$ open
As the application starts, it will create database tables and seed data.
The first account to sign up is created as an Admin, all subsequent users will have a normal user role.
Main web applicationcore
Minimal shared classes, compiled to JVM, Scala.js, and nativeshared
Core Scala logic and rules definitions, for JVM projects, compiled to JVM, Scala.js, and nativeclient
The main game logic, a Scala.js appdoc
Paradox documentation, published viaghpages
Scala.js app for the admin sitepipeline
Creates all of the Scala files inmodels.data
Generates the Github wiki from shared definitions