This is a stand alone web application to show companions etc. of Journey from SAVE.BIN for Steam.
Usually we get to know whom we were with by watching "Companions Met Along the Way" (CMATW) after the credit roll. But sometimes we can't see it because of the game to crash etc. Additionally CMATW doesn't display non-ASCII characters, or the name may be too popular to specify "who".
The exact names, steam IDs and chirp symbols of the companions are stored in SAVE.BIN, so that I tried to read those in this application as a result. This works on the modern web browsers (at least Chrome and Firefox) and processes whole locally. So once you save the page, you can use it offline.
I would like to thank pioneers especially Daratrixx and Peksa, and my companions.
Though I hope this is somewhat helpful for good relationships, finally I don't recommend this actively.
Because close friends able to meet only once-in-a-lifetime are also beautiful in memory.