Dice library is a small, high-performant, thread-safe, idiomatic and unit-tested implementation of gaming dice written in C++11.
The following commands will compile the library and install it to /usr/local/lib directory, with headers in /usr/local/include direcory.
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
By default, dice will be built as a static library. Add -Ddice_SHARED=ON
to cmake ..
to build it as a shared library instead.
The built library will be located in build/src/dice
. To use the library, you may also want to add src/ to your include path. The structure is made up this way because dice were meant to be a part of a bigger project, not a standalone library; it may be changed in the future.
The basic class of the library is Dice. Dice is a collection of Die objects. In most cases, you don't need to concern yourself about Die objects - they are implicitly converted to Dice collection.
You can import all needed declarations by including dice/include.hpp
The namespace dice::basic contains Die objects representing standard dice. Out of the box you can use any of the following die types: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100 (also known as d% or dp).
using namespace dice::basic;
using dice::Dice;
d20.roll(); // d20 is of type Die
Dice dice = d20; // but is implicitly converted to Dice
You can use Dice constructor, which takes a Die and an amount.
using namespace dice::basic;
using dice::Dice;
Dice d{ d4, 2 }; // create dice collection consisting of two four-sided dice
Usually though, you'll want to use the more idiomatic approach.
using namespace dice::basic;
using dice::Dice;
auto d = 2*d4; // create dice collection consisting of two four-sided dice
You can add a modifier to all of the collection's rolls.
using namespace dice::basic;
using dice::Dice;
auto d = 2*d12 + 4;
d.roll(); // returns a number between 6 (2*1 + 4) and 28 (2*12 + 4)
d = d - 8;
d.roll(); // returns a number between -2 (2*1 - 4) and 20 (2*12 - 4)
You can also add dice collections. It works for Die objects as well (the Dice.hpp header has to be included).
using namespace dice::basic;
using dice::Dice;
auto d = d6 + d4;
d = d + 2 * d12;
d = d + 2*d6; // d = 3*d6 + d4 + 2*d12
using dice::BasicDie;
using dice::Dice;
BasicDie<13> d13;
auto d = 3*d13;
BasicDie is a Die implementation that uses std::mt19937 generator by default. You can easily create a die type using a different generator.
using dice::BasicDie;
BasicDie<4, std::knuth_b> d4;
class MyDie: public dice::Die {
auto roll( const unsigned int times = 1 ) -> result_type override {
return times * 24;
auto clone() const -> std::unique_ptr<Die> override {
return utility::make_unique<MyDie>( *this );
auto hash() const -> std::size_t override {
return 24;
MyDie my;
auto d = 5*my;