Fluorite is a dynamic tiling window manager that aims to be light, functionnal, predictable, and beautiful.
- Dynamic master layout tiling.
- Keyboard centric.
- Stacked layout (Monocle layout in DWM).
- Light floating windows management.
- Static configuration for bindings, options, and design, compiled with Fluorite.
- Organizer mode, let you swap windows freely.
- Works with multiple monitors. XMonad style.
This version is pretty stable but needs more testing. It's on the master branch because the current code should be really close to be the final release.
Go to Fluorite Website for more informations. It's a bit outdated so don't follow it blindly.
You can also find some quick tips inside CONFIG.md.
On Archlinux you can type this command to install everything you need.
sudo pacman -S xorg xdotool libxft libxcomposite libxcursor libxrandr
After doing modifications to the config, just type (WITHOUT sudo). It will remake and copy the Fluorite executable to /usr/bin/
make install
setxkbmap -layout fr
polybar &
picom &
exec Fluorite
Keep in mind that the setxkbmap with the proper keyboard layout is REQUIRED so you can have all your bindings working.
- If java apps are clunky, you can add
to you .xinitrc just before Fluorite execution.