Mathematical operations to extract all the performance juice from your hardware!
git clone
cd mops
# Builds the code and run all tests
# Installs the Python package
pip install .
Some common motifs of vector, matrix and tensor operations that appear in science and engineering are planned to be implemented here for CPUs and GPUs. These include:
$A$ is a 2D array of floats, of size$I \times N_{A,2}$ . It contains the individual factors in the monomials that make up the polynomial. -
$C$ is a vector of float multipliers of size$J$ . They represent the coefficients of each monomial in the polynomial, so that$J$ is the number of monomials in the polynomial. -
$P$ is a 2D array of integers which represents the positions of the individual factors for each monomial in the second dimension of the$A$ array. In particular, the$k$ -th factor of monomial$j$ will be found in the$P_{jk}$ -th position of the second dimension of$A$ .
The calculation consists in a batched evaluation of homogeneous polynomials of degree
for j in range(J):
O[:] += C[j] * A[:, P_1[j, 1]] * A[:, P_2[j, 2]] * ...
$A$ and$B$ are 2D arrays of floats whose first dimension is a batch dimension that has the same size for both. -
$C$ is a 1D array of floats which contains the weights of the products of elements of$A$ and$B$ to be accumulated. -
$P^A$ ,$P^B$ are 1D arrays fo integers of the same size which contain the positions along the second dimensions of$A$ and$B$ , respectively, of the factors that constitute the products. -
$P^O$ is a 1D array of integers of the same length as$P^A$ and$P^B$ which contains the positions in the second dimension of the output tensor where the different products of$A$ and$B$ are accumulated.
The weighted products of
for k in range(K):
O[:, P_O[k]] += C[k] * A[:, P_A[k]] * B[:, P_B[k]]
$A$ is a dense matrix of floats, expected to be large in one dimension (size$J$ ), and smaller in the the other (size$K$ ). -
$B$ is a dense matrix of floats, expected to be large in one dimension (size$J$ ), and smaller in the the other (size$L$ ). -
$P$ is a large vector of integers (of size$J$ ) which maps the dimension$j$ of$A$ and$B$ into the dimension$i$ of$O$ . In other words, it contains the position within$O$ where each$AB$ product needs to be summed. -
$n_O$ is the size of the output array along its first dimension. It must be grater or equal than the larger element in$P$ plus one.
For each
for j in range(J):
O[P[j], :, :] += A[j, :, None] * B[j, None, :]
$A$ is a 2D array of floats -
$R$ is a 2D array of floats -
$X$ is a 2D array of floats -
$I$ is a 1D array of integers -
$J$ is a 1D array of integers
$O$ is a 3D array of floats
for j in range(J):
O[PO[j], :, :] += A[j, :, None] * B[j, None, :] * W[PW[j], None, :]
$A$ is a 2D array of floats -
$R$ is a 2D array of floats -
$X$ is a 3D array of floats -
$C$ is a 1D array of floats -
$I$ is a 1D array of integers -
$J$ is a 1D array of integers -
$M^1$ is a 1D array of integers -
$M^2$ is a 1D array of integers -
$M^3$ is a 1D array of integers
$O$ is a 3D array of floats
for j in range(J):
for n in range(N):
O[PO1[e], PO2[n], :] += A[e, PA[n]] * B[e, :] * C[n] * W[PW1[e], PW2[n], :]