Codes for paper "Identification of All-to-all Protein-protein Interactions Based on Deep Hash Learning" by Yue Jiang, Yuxuan Wang, Lin Shen, Donald Adjeroh, Zhidong Liu and Jie Lin, which is submitted to BMC Bioinformatics
- python 3.6
- Tensorflow 2.0
python [dataset]
- The dataset can be one member data of four species: C.elegan, Drosophila, E.coli,or Human
- After training, the output model will be stored in the current folder: DPPI_Model/[dataset]
python [dataset]
- The output predicted result file named test.txt is stored under the current folder: PPIdata/[dataset]
- These codes are developed on the base of the work: Elabd H, Bromberg Y, Hoarfrost A, Lenz T, Wendorff M. Amino acid encoding for deep learning applications .BMC Bioinformatics. 2020;21(1):1–14.