WebLab-Deusto is a remote laboratory management framework developed in the University of Deusto. A remote laboratory is a software and hardware solution that enables students to access equipment which is physically located in a university, secondary school or research centre. There are many types of remote laboratories (for physics, chemistry, electronics...). What WebLab-Deusto does is:
- provide a set of APIs to develop new remote laboratories.
- maintain remote laboratories developed on top of WebLab-Deusto: manage users, permissions, user tracking, scheduling, etc.
- share remote laboratories developed on top of WebLab-Deusto: let other universities or secondary schools use your laboratories.
- use remote laboratories provided by other universities (such as the University of Deusto).
If you want to see examples of running laboratories, try the demo version at:
WebLab-Deusto is Open Source and Free Software. It is distributed under the BSD 2-clause license (more info), as you may find in the COPYING file which is distributed with the software.
Check the docs at:
The full instructions to install the development version are here.
For technical issues, please use the Google Group:
For contacting the WebLab-Deusto team, contact us at:
LabsLand is a spin-off of the WebLab-Deusto project:
- LabsLand provides consultancy services (assisting creators of laboratories to build or maintain their labs)
- LabsLand sells and deploys a wide variety of remote laboratories
- LabsLand sells accesses to existing remote laboratories
See more information and contact LabsLand at: