UltraDES is a library for modeling, analysis and control of Discrete Event Systems. It has been developed at LACSED | UFMG.
- Supported OS: Windows, MAC OS or Linux (Mono).
Install using pip
- Install python 3.7 (we recommend anaconda distribution)
- Run 'pip install https://github.com/lacsed/UltraDES-Python/releases/download/0.0.5/ultrades_python-0.0.5-py3-none-any.whl'
- Install mono
- Install python 3.7 or 3.8 and pip (tutorial)
- Run 'sudo apt-get install clang libglib2.0-dev python3-dev'
- Run 'pip install https://github.com/lacsed/UltraDES-Python/releases/download/0.0.5/ultrades_python-0.0.5-py3-none-any.whl'
import sys, ultrades, os
from ultrades.automata import *
s1 = state("s1", marked = True)
s2 = state("s2", marked = False)
e1 = event("e1", controllable = True)
e2 = event("e2", controllable = False)
e3 = event("e3", controllable = True)
e4 = event("e4", controllable = False)
G1 = dfa(
(s1, e1, s2),
(s2, e2, s1)
], s1, "G1")
G2 = dfa(
(s1, e3, s2),
(s2, e4, s1)
], s1, "G2")
Gp = parallel_composition(G1, G2);
See the Wiki for more implemented functions.