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Mix, Rebar and does a much better job. This is no longer maintained.


This project is in the process of being renamed to edam. Please check out branch 0.3.0 ( ) for most up-to-date code/info etc.


Todays state of erlang dependency manager is not optimal. EPM was designed to handle dependencies in more controlled way.


  • Drop-in replacement for Rebar dependency management
  • Isolated dependencies pr. project
  • Deterministic checkout, no need to deps at specific position in config
  • Modular codebase with hooks for most common operations
  • Supports remote catalogs for simplifying dependency management

Features coming to you soon:

  • Compiles to single binary without requirement for erlang (maybe?)
  • Release signing / key trust for packages
  • Isolated checkout, dependency will checkout required deps on it's own. Good when building multiple different applications

Needs hacking:


  • Add logging for side-effects (e.g. "moved from ref-A to ref-B")


  • Add a facts to provide default options like libdir, append_versions (config is always parsed for deps, but facts are only processed for isolate/root pkgs)
  • Add async operations for checkout and friends, build 'action list' returned by parse/{0,1} which should define operations required for fixing consistency errors before main operation can process (<- think twice)
  • epm_parser_epm must use << append operation to work
  • Dependencies are only allowed to override local catalogs (related to ^?)
  • Allow for appending information to a pkg by path or by name: ~meck =0.7.2 #0.7.2 will set version and ref of meck to 0.7.2 ~[riakc, _, meck] =0.7.2 #master will set any meck versions found under riakc to 0.7.2 but still use the master branch. This allows for tricking EPM do belive you are running the same version of the code.
  • Keep a list of synced repositores to avoid multiple syncs


  • Make libdir/append_versions pkg specific (in config).
  • Fix automatic catalog selection AND catalog priority
  • If no version is specified, epm_pkg should find the version specified by the .app file, preferably with a symlink (if none exits)
  • Cleanout non-referenced directories
  • When checking updating GIT repo that has been rewritten, merge conflict will happend?
  • Validate that dependencies that change GIT remote gets propagated to config
  • When cache directory change, propegate update to lib/_ aswell.
  • Calculate all referenced directories and delete non needed in .cache and lib/


  • Flatten and merge deps list before iterating
  • Find and warn about packages with version conflicts.
  • Add flag to ignore one or more specific conflicts (--ignore meck or --ignore-all)
  • Find and warn about auto configured packages with multiple available catalogs?

Various resolve functionality

  • Fix cache expiry of github catalogs
  • Add HTTP agent
  • Add local agent
  • Add gitorious catalog
  • Add bitbuck catalog
  • Add localfs catalog
  • Add search functionality to github catalog


All packages resides within 1 catalog, the catalog is managed by a developer or an organization. Catalogs contains a list of packages and additionally a set of keys used for signing (not implemented).

Catalogs must export these functions:

name/0 :: binary()
Unique name used for path generation
match/1 :: (binary()) -> boolean()
Match function determining if a resource belongs to the catalog.
resource/2 :: (#pkg{}, #ctl{}) -> URL :: binary()
Build a URL used for fetching remote
fetch/1 :: (A :: binary()) -> #catalog{}
Fetches list of packages from remote server
search/1 :: (A :: binary()) -> [#pkg{}]
Search the remote catalog for package, returns a list of matching
sync/1 :: (Resource :: binary(), _) -> boolean()
Syncs a package to the local store. The second argument is reserved
for `source handler` hinting.


A remote resource containing some source code. Once synced additional information can be retrieved, mainly the version number and a list of additional dependencies. This information is stored in one or more configuration files (ie. rebar.config and *.app).


To be able to handle a multitude of configuration variants several parsers are bundled with EPM. Each parser acts as an adapter to other build tools/package managers.

A parser must export the following functions:

parse/2 :: (file:filename(), epm_pkg:pkg()) ->
	{ok, Cfg} | false {error, Reason :: term()}
Parses the configuration for a file, returns {ok, AbsName} if
configuration was updated, false if parser did nothing or a tuple
{error, Err :: term()} when there was an error.


All the action is handled by a plug-in agent, there will typically be 1 agent pr. version control system. GIT is the only supported agent at the moment. In the future a plug-in for local filesystem and HTTP might be added.

Agents must export the following functions:

name/0` :: () -> binary()
Return the name of the agent (ie `git`, `http`)
init/1 :: (epm_pkg:pkg()) -> epm_pkg:pkg()
Initiate the agent for a package, this will be called during config
parsing and can be used to set any additional options for the pkg.
fetch/2 :: (epm_pkg:pkg(), epm:cfg()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}
Checks if there are any available updates for this package.
sync/2 :: (epm_pkg:pkg(), epm:cfg()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}
Syncs the local copy of the package with any remote updates.o
status/2` :: (epm_pkg:pkg(), epm:cfg()) -> ok | stale | unknown
Check the current known state of the package - sideeffect free.

env/config notes

Note: don't worry to much about these, will be changed/removed or similar

  • opt:ignore_codepath: Flag to tell backends to not change codepath, useful when only checking to see if there are updates (git fetch)
  • env:dryrun: Don't do any hard work, check should be implemented in backend private methods.
  • env:autofetch: Automatically fetch everything that's needed.
  • env:cachedir: The root cache directory
  • env:libdir: Where to store those precious libraries.
  • env:verbosity: What level of output to give


Usage (Erlang API)

Lists all package versions

1> {ok, Cfg} = epm:parse("."),
1> lists:usort(epm_pkg:map(fun(Pkg) -> epm_pkg:get([name, version], Pkg) end, epm_pkg:flatten(Cfg))).

Sync all known dependencies

%% epm:parse/1 is side-effect free, therefor a explicit call to fetch is required.
2> epm_pkg:foreach(fun(Pkg) -> epm_pkg:sync(Pkg, Cfg) end, epm_pkg:flatten(Cfg)).

Find conflicting versions of packages (the naive way)

The following example expands the dependencies to [Name, Version] which can easily be used to lookup possible version conflicts.

42> {ok, Cfg} = epm:parse("."),
42> Pkgs0 = epm_pkg:flatten(Cfg),
42> Pkgs1 = [epm_pkg:get([name, version], P) || P <- Pkgs0],
42> Pkgs = lists:usort(Pkgs1), % Remove identical duplicates
42> {_, Duplicates0} = lists:foldl(
42> 		fun([Name|_] = P, {Acc0, Acc1}) ->
42> 			case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Acc0) of
42> 				{Name, Prev} -> {Acc0, [P,Prev | Acc1]};
42> 				false -> {[{Name, P} | Acc0], Acc1}
42> 			end
42> 		end, {[], []}, Pkgs),
42> lists:usort(Duplicates0).

Usage (CLI)

Drop in replacement for Rebar:

There is no need to write a new config file to use EPM, it supports rebar out of the box. We can at any time print out the current known configuration:

olav@nyx /tmp/riak » ~/src/epm/bin/epm deps print -v=info  
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:lager_syslog=1.2.2 not checked out
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:cluster_info=1.2.3 not checked out
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:riak_kv=1.3.1 not checked out
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:riak_search=1.3.1 not checked out
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:riak_control=1.3.1 not checked out
    [info] 22:13:45 -> agent:git: github.basho:riaknostic=v1.1.0 not checked out
Catalogs (1):
= github.basho. (github: 118 packages)

Dependencies (6/6):
= github.basho:cluster_info=1.2.3
= github.basho:lager_syslog=1.2.2
= github.basho:riak_control=1.3.1
= github.basho:riak_kv=1.3.1
= github.basho:riak_search=1.3.1
= github.basho:riaknostic=v1.1.0

The print operation is sideeffect free - except for fetching the initial catalog - therefor we need an explicit call to fetch our dependencies (the --rebar flag sets libdir and append_version env variables):

olav@nyx /tmp/riak » epm deps sync -v=notice --rebar
  [info] 22:15:25 -> epm: setting rebar compatability
  [notice] 22:15:26 -> agent:git: syncing riak_pipe=1.3.1 (riak_pipe) from [<<"github.basho">>]
  [notice] 22:15:27 -> agent:git: syncing sext=1.1 (sext) from [<<"github.uwiger">>]
  [notice] 22:15:27 -> agent:git: syncing edown=HEAD (edown) from [<<"github.esl">>]
  [notice] 22:15:28 -> agent:git: syncing eleveldb=1.3.0 (eleveldb) from [<<"github.basho">>]
  [notice] 22:16:47 -> agent:git: syncing lager=1.2.2 (lager) from [<<"github.basho">>]
  [notice] 22:16:48 -> agent:git: syncing meck=master (meck) from [<<"github.eproxus">>]

We can now see we filled up the deps/ directory:

olav@nyx /tmp/riak » ls -l deps                                                                                                                                       1 ↵
drwxr-xr-x  6 olav users 240 Apr 21 22:15 basho_stats
drwxr-xr-x  4 olav users 160 Apr 21 22:15 bear
drwxr-xr-x  5 olav users 160 Apr 21 22:15 syslog
drwxr-xr-x 12 olav users 500 Apr 21 22:15 webmachine

A final call to print will now tell us a bit more about our project:

olav@nyx /tmp/riak » ~/src/epm/bin/epm deps print

Catalogs (5):
= github.basho. (github: 118 packages)
= github.boundary. (github: 32 packages)
= github.eproxus. (github: 21 packages)
= github.evanmiller. (github: 30 packages)
= github.jcomellas. (github: 20 packages)

Dependencies (6/22):
= github.basho:cluster_info=1.2.3
= github.basho:lager_syslog=1.2.2
= github.basho:riak_control=1.3.1
  = github.evanmiller:erlydtl=c18f2a00
  = github.basho:riak_core=1.3.1
    = github.basho:basho_stats=1.0.3
    = github.basho:folsom=0.7.3p1
      = github.boundary:bear=0.1.2
      = github.eproxus:meck=0.7.2-2-gd6230ae
    = github.basho:lager=1.2.2
    = github.basho:poolboy=0.8.1-14-g0e15b5d
    = github.basho:protobuffs=0.8.0
      = github.eproxus:meck=master (defined previously)
    = github.basho:riak_sysmon=1.1.3
    = github.basho:webmachine=1.9.3
      = github.basho:mochiweb=1.5.1p3
  = github.basho:webmachine=1.9.3 (defined previously)
= github.basho:riak_kv=1.3.1
= github.basho:riak_search=1.3.1
  = github.basho:merge_index=1.3.0
  = github.basho:riak_api=1.3.1
  = github.basho:riak_kv=1.3.1 (defined previously)
  = github.basho:riak_pb=1.3.0
    = github.basho:protobuffs=0.8.0 (defined previously)
= github.basho:riaknostic=v1.1.0
  = github.jcomellas:getopt=v0.4.3
  = github.basho:lager=1.2.2 (defined previously)
  = github.eproxus:meck=master (defined previously)


The configuration very straight forward and tries to give you all options you may need on just one line of configuration. If the short-hand notation is not to your liking you can use a hash map directly with a package option.

The syntax is simple, anything not starting with whitespace or a lowercase letter is considered a comment and is disregarded by the preparser.

There are 2 operations that can be performed on a target: <- and <<, this defines and appends respectively. Currently there are only 2 targets: catalogs and dependencies.

Using your Github as a catalog

-- Define your github account as the available catalog
catalogs <-

-- Append Basho's github account with the alias `basho`
catalogs <<
	basho <- git://

Now all projects in your or Basho's can be resolved just by a keyword.

Adding dependencies

when multiple occurences of same package is found on the same level the later will be used.

--- There are 3 short hand operators for dependencies:
--- # -> Use this specific ref (only applicable for pkgs with revision control)
--- = -> Checkout this specific version
--- @ -> Reference a catalog which can be searched for the pkg
--- Additionally a list of k/v options can be given by wrapping them
--- in brackets.
--- Gotchas: not all catalogs/agents support fetching a specific
--- version, this means in some cases (like git) you need to specify
--- a reference as well to be certain that the correct version is
--- checkout out
dependencies <-
	tavern @github.lafka
	riakc @basho [
		pkgname = "riak-erlang-client"
		version = ""
		agent.ref = ""]

Appending values

In some cases it's useful to update some setting in sub-dependencies, we can do this by using the ~ operator. We can change tag used for riak_pb to without changing the riakc config:

dependencies <<
	~riakc/riak_pb [agent.ref = ""]

The above will tell git to checkout the reference to ""

Environmental branches

One of my biggest annoyances with Rebar was managing multiple levels of dependencies where I had do alot of manual work tagging and pushing commits out to make them available for a test run. With branches you can put up multiple versions and have 1 configuration for your development machine and a different one for Jenkins, the correct one is selected by using the --env <env> flag:

For instance we might want use a custom build of protobuffs for the Riak erlang client:

dependencies :dev <<
	~riakc/riak_pb/protobuffs [
		agent.remote = "~/src/protobuffs"
		agent.ref = "lafka-test-branch"]

The above will checkout our local copy of protobuffs which shortens down the save-compile-test-commit cycle.


Erlang Package Manager (Deprecated)






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