Technicalities article, V40, N4, July/August 2020.
Technicalities article, V41, N1, January/February 2021.
See below for "Why is language coding so bad?" which includes some public library data.
Things to look for when checking a catalog for errors.
A critical look at signage and wayfinding in some of the (urban) branches of the Las Vegas library system.
My initial reaction to the deployment of a BiblioCommons OPAC at the Las Vegas Library.
The letter I would send to an imaginary new library director.
Rather than a book review, these are my thoughts on signage and wayfinding in reaction to Polger's book.
This is my input to:
- The Frederick County Public Libraries (FCPL) 2023-2025 Three Year Plan, and
- An effort in an unnamed Virginia public library to "update and reinvigorate Technical Services"
A laundry list of OPAC features that are useful to patrons, prefaced with some motivation for the features mentioned. This might be useful in preparing an RFP for an ILS or discovery layer.
Presentation to ALA Core CNIG February 1, 2021
You can find the data described in this presentation, and the code used to generate it, in my other repository,, specifically and files/seriescheck_Jan2021.xlsx
Presentation to ALA ALCTS CaMMS CNIG (now ALA Core CNIG) June 9, 2020
(various posts to ALA Core News)
My own blog at
Which I post to quite infrequently.
Displaying Availability on a Phone Screen
In search of the perfect library patron
Here I seem to have been infected by cutesy title syndrome. This post is about how catalogers vs. patrons see the catalog.