This project was developed using the following technologies:
This project was developed using the following libraries:
- Routing - react-router-dom
- Form - react-hook-form
- Typescript form validation - zod
- Date formatting - data-fns
- Icons - phorphor-react
- Immutable state - immer
Clone the project and navigate to the project folder.
$ cd TaskTimer
To run the development server:
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the project
$ npm run dev
The app runs on the browser in the URL http://localhost:5173.
Task Timer is perfect for students and/or profissionais that need to organize their time to focus on their tasks. Type the name of the task, define how long you will focus on it and see the history of your focus time to have a good understand of your productivity and time management.
This is a project developed as part of the Ignite ReactJS course offered by Rocketseat in July 2023.
You can see the layout on Figma through the link bellow:
Note: You need to have an account on Figma to access the link above.