This is an assignment that incorporates an angular application as front-end and RESTful micro services as back-end.
For running the application, use the command 'docker-compose up' and access the application at http://localhost:8087
Services used
1 Authentication Service
- Runs at http://localhost:8083/api/auth
- The service is used for existing user login and authentication and for register credentials of new user while signup.
- The API documentation is available at http://localhost:8083/swagger
2 News Service
- Runs at http://localhost:8084/api/news
- The service is used for fetching bookmarked news, adding news article to bookmarks and deleting them.
- The API documentation is available at http://localhost:8084/swagger
3 User Service
- Runs at http://localhost:8086/api/user
- The service is used while new user signup, for the profile creation.
- The API documentation is available at http://localhost:8086/swagger
4 Trending news API
- The NEWS API should be used as data source for getting trending news use the following endpoint.<api_key>&page=1
- To register for an API key, follow these steps: o - You need to sign up to [NEWSAPI] ( o - After registration, API key is generated for you.
- The application is a web site for viewing trending news and bookmarked news.
- The user has to login to the system for viewing news.
- On running the application, user is navigated to the login page (http:localhost:8087/login).
- If he/she is a registered user, they can login to the system using their registered username and password.
- If some error occurs while trying to log in, user is informed about the error by displaying error message at the bottom part of the login part.
- If user hasn't registered yet, they can click on the 'Sign Up' link provided in the login page.
- If sign up was chosen, user is redirected to a signup page (http:localhost:8087/signup) where he/she has to fill up the mandatory details like username, first name, email and password.
- On successful registration, user is automatically redirected to login page.
- If some error occurs during registration, user is informed about the error by displaying the message at the bottom part of signup.
- On successful login, user is redirected to a dashboard view (http:localhost:8087/dashboard/newsstories) having cards displayed for trending news.
- The dashboard has a header where the website name, logo and menu item links are provided.
- The 'home' icon is used for navigating to trending news view, 'heart' icon used for navigating to bookmarked news view and 'face' icon for log out.
- Each news article can have some information related to news like Title, image, author, content etc.
- Each news article in trending news has a 'Read Later' button associated with it at the right-bottom corner.
- On clicking the 'Read Later' button, the article is saved to bookmarks and an indication message is shown with a green tick saying 'The Article was bookmarked' and the button will be disabled.
- If some error occurs while adding news to bookmarks, user is informed about it with the error message shown right below the button in red font.
- Now if the user navigates to bookmarked news (http:localhost:8087/dashboard/newsreader) he/she can view all the news that was added to bookmarks.
- The news cards look similar to the cards in the trending news view except that the card won't be having a 'Read Later' button. Instead, each of the cards will be having a url to the original news at the bottom-left corner and a ‘delete’ button at the bottom-right corner.
- On clicking the news url, user is navigated to the original news in a new browser tab.
- On clicking the 'delete' icon, the article is removed from bookmarks and a message is displayed to user confirming the deletion.
- If some error occurs while deleting the news from bookmarks, user is informed about it with an error message displayed below the button in red font.
- Footer is displayed throughout containing social media links and copy right information.