Packer version 1.5.0 introduced support for HCL2 templates as a beta feature. As of version 1.7.0, HCL2 support is no longer in beta and is the preferred way to write Packer configuration(s). - Hashicorp Docs
Install Packer CLI >=1.7
Install Ansible
Install Google CLI
Create a new project on GCP
Create a Service Account for Packer
Criar chave json para SA
Enable Compute Engine API for the project
Add chave json path to env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
packer validate ami.pkr.hcl
packer build ami.pkr.hcl
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create packer \
--project $GCP_PROJECT \
--description="Packer Service Account" \
--display-name="Packer Service Account"
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT \
--member=serviceAccount:packer@$ \
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT \
--member=serviceAccount:packer@$ \
# Enable Compute Engine API
$ gcloud services enable
CentOS and recent Debian images have root ssh access disabled by default. Set ssh_username to any user, which will be created by packer with sudo access.
The machine type must have a scratch disk, which means you can't use an f1-micro or g1-small to build images.