Some python scripts to create a personal backup of Twitter Posts, Replies and DMs. The data is stored in JSON format.
It can download the user-timeline of any public account. For downloading the Tweets of a private account, public replies or Direct Messages, a Twitter API key with read/write-permissions is needed.
Log in with your Twitter data at and unfold the menu under your username in the upper right corner. Click on My Applications and then on Create a new application.
After successful creation of an API key, choose Settings and change it to Read, Write and Access direct messages. Now it is possible to store DMs as well.
Finally an Access Token is needed. This one can be created on the Details tab.
The script is written for Python 2.7 and requires the python-twitter wrapper for API access. It uses some new Twitter user-timeline API options, which are not included in the original python-twitter wrapper yet. Use my forked version from
Whitout any option, some usage information is displayed:
usage: [-h] [-v] [-t [username]] [-r] [-m] [-f] [-n tweets]
[-o file] [-c file] [--consumer_key key]
[--consumer_secret secret] [--access_token_key key]
[--access_token_secret secret]
Create a personal backup of your Twitter Timeline replies and direct messages.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-t [username], --timeline [username]
Store timeline of given username (maximum of 3200
-r, --replies Store replies
-m, --messages Store direct messages
-f, --favs Store Favorites
-n tweets, --number tweets
Number of Tweets to store (maximum 3200) [default:
-o file, --out file File to store data in, otherwise use something with
username and current timestamp
-c file, --config file
Path to configfile [default:
--consumer_key key Consumer Key
--consumer_secret secret
Consumer Secret
--access_token_key key
Access Token Key
--access_token_secret secret
Access Token Secret
Specify at least one action (-t, -r, -m or -f)
Either timeline (-t
), replies (-r
), messages (-m
) or favs (-f
) needs to be specified. With timeline an optional username can be specified, to store the Tweets of this user. If an API key was given, but no username, the Tweets of the API key owner will be stored.
For the usage with an API key all four parameters (--consumer_key
, --consumer_secret
, --access_token_key
, --access_token_secret
) are required. The information can be found on the site where the API keys has been created. You can also store these parameters in a config file (see below).
Download the timeline of user chaosupdates
$ -t chaosupdates
Writing to file 'chaosupdates_timeline_2012-12-03_202328.json'
An excerpt of the json file:
['{"created_at": "Mon Dec 03 18:11:22 +0000 2012", "favorited": false, "id": 275663531926515712, "retweet_count": 8, "retweeted": false, "source": "web", "text": "Verschl\\u00fcsselung & Anonymisierung: 6. Dezember, 18:30 Uhr, #Dresden \\u2013 #CryptoParty", "truncated": false, "user": {"id": 31812497}}', '{"created_at": "Mon Dec 03 14:32:44 +0000 2012", "favorited": false, "id": 275608511600263169, "retweet_count": 17, "retweeted": false, "source": "web", "text": "Eine sachliche Debatte sieht anders aus: Kollateralsch\\u00e4den und politische Dimension des Leistungsschutzrechts #LSR", "truncated": false, "user": {"id": 31812497}}',
Download last 1000 Tweets of API key owner:
$ --consumer_key [consumer key] --consumer_secret [consumer secret] --access_token_key [access token key] --access_token_secret [access token secret] -t -n 1000
Download replies to the API key owner:
$ --consumer_key [consumer key] --consumer_secret [consumer secret] --access_token_key [access token key] --access_token_secret [access token secret] -r
Download direct messages to and from the API key owner:
$ --consumer_key [consumer key] --consumer_secret [consumer secret] --access_token_key [access token key] --access_token_secret [access token secret] -m
Download favorites the API key owner made:
$ --consumer_key [consumer key] --consumer_secret [consumer secret] --access_token_key [access token key] --access_token_secret [access token secret] -f
The options can be combined, so that multiple files will be written.
API key parameters can be stored in a config file. The default file location is ~/.twitter_backup.cfg
, but any other file can be given with the --config
) parameter.
Config file layout:
consumer_key = consumer key
consumer_secret = consumer secret
access_token_key = access token key
access_token_secret = access token secret
Put the keys and secrets at the correct place. There is no need for quotes or parentheses. There is a sample file in this repository.